Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions of Sale and Purchase (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms and Conditions") form a binding and integral part of the Terms and Conditions of Sale and Purchase, which set out the rights and obligations of you (hereinafter referred to as the "Buyer") and the online shop https://sugiharahouse.com/ (hereinafter referred to as the "Seller") as well as the procedures for the purchase of the Services, the payment of the Services, and the procedures for the delivery of the Services and for their refund.

General Provisions

The contract between the Buyer and the Seller shall be deemed to have been concluded from the moment the Buyer completes all the successive steps to place an order in the e-shop by creating a shopping cart. Each contract concluded between the Buyer and the Seller is stored in the Seller's database.

The Seller reserves the right to modify, supplement or amend these Terms and Conditions.

Protection of personal data

When purchasing goods for sale on https://sugiharahouse.com/, the Buyer must provide his/her personal data (name, surname, valid e-mail address). The Buyer's information is used only for the performance of the obligations between the Buyer and the Seller and for the protection of the interests of the Buyer.

The Seller undertakes not to disclose the Buyer's personal data to third parties. The Buyer's personal data may only be disclosed to third parties in accordance with the procedure provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania.

https://sugiharahouse.com/ does not store any of the Buyer's banking data (such as password, account number, etc.), as the Buyer is redirected to external systems during payment.

Concluding a sale and purchase agreement

Once the Buyer has confirmed the order, a contract of sale shall be deemed to have been concluded between the Buyer and the Seller.

This contract of sale shall only come into force upon payment of the order by the Buyer.

Failure by the Buyer to pay for the order shall be deemed to be a unilateral termination of the contract by the Buyer.

Rights and obligations of the buyer

The Buyer shall have the right to select and order any product available on the Seller's e-shop.

The Buyer shall have the right to change the date of redemption of the tickets at least 7 days before the event. The change can be made 1 (one) time.

The Buyer has the right to extend the validity of the gift voucher for one additional month, but not more than seven months from the date of sale of the gift voucher.

By using the Seller's e-shop, the Buyer agrees to these terms and conditions of sale and undertakes to comply with them unconditionally.

The Buyer undertakes to provide correct information when placing an order for goods and entering into a contract with the Seller.

The Buyer shall be liable for all lawful and unlawful acts committed through the Seller's e-shop.

The Buyer shall be responsible for complying with these Terms and Conditions, even if he has not made himself aware of them, although he has been given the opportunity to do so.

Seller's rights and obligations

The Seller undertakes to send the paid e-tickets/e-vouchers to the Buyer immediately after payment in the case of purchases without a pre-invoice and within two working hours after payment in the case of pre-invoice purchases.

If, at the time of placing an order and/or entering into a contract with the Seller or thereafter, the Buyer provides false, inaccurate, misleading or incomplete data or fails to comply with any other obligations under these Terms and Conditions, the Seller shall be entitled to cancel the Buyer's order immediately.

The Seller shall have the right, without prior notice, to suspend or terminate the execution of the Buyer's order and/or the use of the e-shop services if there are grounds to believe that the Buyer is engaging in unauthorised activities or otherwise attempting to undermine the operation or stable functioning of the Seller's e-shop.

The Seller shall not be liable for any actions of third parties when such parties place orders and/or enter into contracts and/or make payments in the Seller's e-shop using the Buyer's banking system.

The Seller shall have the right to temporarily suspend the operation of the e-shop at any time, without notice to the Buyer, in order to carry out updates (such as software upgrades, etc.).

The Seller shall have the right to unilaterally, at its sole discretion and without prior notice, suspend, amend, modify these Terms and Conditions and any other documents related thereto. Amendments or changes to the Terms and Conditions shall take effect from the date of their publication, i.e. from the date they are posted on the e-shop system.

Fulfilling orders

After paying for the e-ticket/e-voucher, the buyer will receive it in digital format. An email will automatically be sent to the Buyer once the payment has been confirmed.

Orders choosing to pay by electronic transfer through an external payment system operated by Paysera LT, UAB are accepted and processed 24/7. Orders choosing to pay by bank transfer (according to advance invoices) are accepted and executed on working days from 8 am to 5 pm.

Return of e-tickets / e-vouchers

E-tickets/e-vouchers are not refundable.

If the Seller is unable to fulfil the order due to unforeseen circumstances, the Seller undertakes to change the date of the event to the Buyer's preferred date or to refund the Buyer's bank account within 7 working days.

Concluding provisions

Any disagreement regarding the performance of these Terms and Conditions and the obligations arising therefrom shall be settled by negotiation or, in the absence of negotiated settlement, by the procedure established by law.

If you have any further questions, you may contact us at info@sugiharahouse.com