Sugihara House

The House of Hope, where thousands of lives were saved in 1940.

Sugihara House

The House of Hope, where thousands of lives were saved in 1940.

Visits are only available with prior reservation at


Standard ticket – 8 Eur

Children of 7-12 – 5 Eur

III-V 11:00 -16:00

Visits are only available for groups of 5 or more people with prior reservation at

Planning a visit
Contact information

Vaižganto g. 30, Kaunas

+37037332881 | +37065243999

Please support us by visiting Sugihara House Museum virtually.
Please support our mission by joining the Endowment Foundation

Our supporters

Ramūnas ir Birutė Garbaravičiai

Gifu Prefecture and the its residents (Japan)

Saulius ir Jurgita Garbaravičiai

Puzyna Mockūnas Francoise Maria

Eurasia Travel (travel agency)


Honorary Consulate of Lithuania in Hiroshima Prefecture (Japan)

Sugiharos namų Kaune, Lietuvoje išsaugojimo fondas (Japonija)

UAB Ivuana

UAB Soliris

Jaocu city (Japan)

UAB Bioprolit

UAB Kaunas Metal

Arca Pay Ltd

American Fund for Lithuania-Latvia

The Tides Foundation


National Philanthropic Trust (USA)

Jaocu city municipality (Japan)

Hokaido city association (Japan)

Japan jewish community

Tagaki Kayako

Rokas Raudonius

Prof. Tadas Baginskas

Wano Tsutomu

UAB Samsonas

Project partners

Lithuanian Council for Culture

Kaunas city municipality

Embassy of the Netherlands in Lithuania

Embassy of the Germany in Lithuania

LR Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Kaunas 2022

Dainius Lanauskas

Support us

The Sugihara Foundation - Diplomats for Life is a non-governmental organisation and relies heavily on external funding.

Your support is crucial to the Museum's objectives - to achieve the goals of the diplomatic mission of C. Sugihara and Zwartendijk's memory and the preservation and sharing of it around the world.

Income tax

You can always contribute 1.2 percent of the personal income tax (PIT) you have already paid.

Bank transfer

You can transfer money either through banks in Lithuania or through foreign banks.